Monday, April 12, 2010

Over the weekend the state of South Carolina lost a great citizen: Michael J. Mungo. He was a quiet, gentle, philanthropic business man who lived Christian values by caring deeply for those experiencing basic needs and real crises. He gave generously to those in need of food, shelter, and medicine.

Michael J. Mungo was co-founder of Harvest Hope Food Bank and supported the needs of hungry people throughout his life. He embodied God's commandment that by helping the least of his children then you also served the Lord.

Like so many others, I share in awe and respect from knowing Mr. Mungo’s spirit of generosity and his keen business sense. He gave wholeheartedly to Harvest Hope as well as several other charities. In his giving he specified his ideals and knew exactly how his gifts were to be used. He made sure that every charity he supported used his gifts wisely and prudently and was diligent in ensuring they were successful and true to their vision.

He provided his vision and leadership skills to projects large and small that would benefit people experiencing the worst of times. He knew that at any moment it could be any and all of us who needed help. He never wanted recognition, only the assurance that the right things would be done for those in need.

Michael Mungo was a great business man with a strong work ethic, sharing and teaching his values first to family then to friends and associates. I had great respect for him because he asked the tough questions while also wanting to know the "real stories" about those who stood to benefit from his generosity and compassion. Before he gave to anyone he wanted to discuss the financials, then hear the vision and then determine the need. I believe the same individual stamina he obviously put forth in his business he also put forth as energetically and passionately to his volunteer and humanitarian work.

So many who never knew who he was or what he was about were helped out of a terrible crisis without realizing who their "angel" was. His yard on St. Andrews Road was a floral showcase year round, but his blooms of human kindness are much more abundant throughout the state. Rest in peace, Mr. Mungo.  You gave so selflessly so others may live.

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